CSGO 60he

CSGO profile with numpad on FN 2


  • CSGO
  • Counter Strike

Starfield Minmalist 60HE

I moved some key bindings around and color coded.


  • Starfield: Premium Edition
  • Starfield: Constellation Edition
  • Starfield
  • Starfield: Digital Premium Edition Upgrade

Deepwoken (60HE)

This is an semi-optimized profile for Deepwoken.

Game: Roblox

Rocket League 60HE ANSI Camera Controls

Keyboard only w/camera controls

Game: Rocket League

Northern lights v2 (60HE)

beautiful 3-layer profile with numpad available

Game: Osu!

ANSI 60HE - German-Layered - MaySeikatsu

ANSI Layout adjusted for German input typing

Game: User Is Typing // Message Sent

CS2 Profile

CS2 Theme and controls

Game: Counter-Strike 2

60HE Numpad

Numpad with some extra navigation features.

Game: no

60HE typing/gaming hybrid

Main profile for both desktop work and games.

Game: Apex Legends

Valorant 60HE

Good Wooting profile for Valorant or CS

Game: Valorant

Frosted 60HE (fastest preset for cs2)

Fastest Icy cool preset to win in style!

Game: Counter-Strike 2

Earth Tones 60HE

Super soft colors. Great for naturey vibes

Game: Valorant

The Finals (Embark) - 60HE

The Finals - SOCD on A/D, adjust actuation points.

Game: The Finals

Enlisted (60HE+)

V 2.0 (American Theme)

Game: Enlisted

PUBG - 60HE+

PUBG profile for 60% layout

Game: PUBG: Battlegrounds